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DIARIES at the ready. Next month, Brazil’s brilliant trance medium Florencio Anton, who paints at speed in the styles of some of the world’s greatest ever “dead” artists, is visiting the UK.
THIS stunning spirit-inspired portrait is by Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. |
First some background. Mediumistic manifestations initially occurred in Florencio’s early childhood as “clairvoyance, clairaudience and spiritual travelling.
“Spirit beings used to move objects, switch on the light, take off our bed sheets when we were sleeping and talk to me.”
Florencio’s parents were not religious. Educated in Roman Catholic schools, he first encountered Spiritism (a brand of Spiritualism) at the age of twelve.
Since then, Florencio estimates that when entranced he has produced over 37,000 paranormally created works in the last 33 years.
More than 100 artists have painted through him including Rembrandt, Picasso, Renoir, van Gogh and Monet.
Florencio once told me “The paintings produced in the shortest time were done in 48 seconds and the longest in two-and-a-half hours.
During public presentations, on average they take ten to twelve minutes.
“The spiritual painters often use all kinds of materials to produce art. For public presentations, they request colour oil paint.”
I once asked Florencio “Suppose Picasso comes through. Has he painted the picture or is there a multi-talented artist on the Other Side who paints in the styles of the various artists” He replied
“One of the functions of mediumship is to challenge the materialistic paradigm by offering a space for reflection about the immortality of the soul and the persistence of one’s individuality after death.
FLORENCIO ANTON: “The social work we undertake in Brazil serves more than 65 poor children and their families in addition to other institutions.” |
“Following this line of thought, it would be expected that the painter himself, in the case of your example, Picasso, would carry out the work and sign it.
“I see no reason why other spirit beings with artistic abilities would sign as Picasso or any other painter when they can easily produce their own paintings.”
Asked “When demonstrating are you totally unaware of your surroundings” Florencio explained that scientific investigations “about my trance state show that my brain works in a state similar to that of someone in deep sleep.
“However, sometimes this sleep becomes superficial and I can hear music being played and indistinctly see the painting being produced by a discarnate painter.
“Returning from trance, the feeling I have is very similar to someone who slept, dreamt and has woken up, but cannot remember the entire dream.”
Florencio has been visiting overseas since 1999. The first country was Spain, followed by Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, England and several others in South and Central America.
The artist will be in the UK from March 1-10 “with a packed schedule of mediumship demonstrations, lectures and a psychology seminar.”
Asked, “What’s the most unusual picture you can recall” Florencio said “For me, all the paintings are unusual as they are produced in a deep trance state or because of the beauty that each one of them brings.
“However, the paintings which touch my heart most are those in which people in the audience recognise their loved ones who have passed on.
“I am always surprised at results achieved by discarnate painters. I’m not normally able to paint or draw, so afterwards it is always amazing to see pictures they have produced through me.
“At the end of a meeting, the paintings are auctioned or donated. It is important to add that all the proceedings from mediumistic paintings are donated to charities.”
ASSISTED by his partner Tarcisio Sampaio, an entranced Florencio Anton is seen producing automatic art. |
Florencio added “As a Spiritist medium, I do not receive any payment. I am not a professional medium.
“The social work we undertake in Brazil serves more than 65 poor children and their families in addition to other institutions.”
Florencio has a degree in educational sciences, nursing and psychology. He “currently works as a clinical psychologist and university professor in the areas of palliative care and nursing, among others. I also have a master’s degree in educational sciences.”
Florencio said that as a medium, “I’m nothing more than a postman. Therefore, I only strive to deliver the messages that the spirit beings send through me.
“Over 42 years of mediumship in general and 33 years of painting, what I have noticed is that the most important message they want to bring is that earthly existence is a brief learning experience which continues after death.
“This means that once the body dies, the thinking being that we are continues to live in another dimension.
“Associated with this message is that they want to remind us that the best way to live well is directly related to the love we offer to others and to ourselves.”
Amongst locations where Florencio is due to demonstrate is the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain on March 9.
For further details about Florencio’s itinerary, please e-mail Gilson Guimaraes at