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Spiritualist Churches

and Centers in the USA


UCM = Universal Church of the Master  

NSAC = National Spiritualist Association of Churches  

Please read our disclaimer.

A note on accuracy of information.




Blue Rose Ministry, UCM
755 Sheepshead Crossing Road, Cornville, AZ 86325

Church of Essential Science
PO Box 62284, Sun Lakes, AZ 85082
(480) 921-4111

Church of the Living Spirit, NSAC
Community Church
15414 N 19th Avenue Ste A
Phoenix, Az 85023
Telephone: (480) 297 6502

Church of Spirit Awareness
2145 West Virginia Avenue, P
hoenix, AZ 85009
(602) 369 0344

Community Interfaith Church
1202 W. Miracle Mile, Ste. 36, Tucson, AZ 85705
(520) 861-8734

Church Of Spiritual Unity
1628 West Carter Road, Phoenix, AZ 85041
(602) 237-7915
(602) 304 0348


Healing Arts Connection, LLC
1715 W. Northern Avenue,
Ste 100, Phoenix, AZ 85021
(623) 215 7988

Light of Love, UCM
2675 S. Rio Verde Drive,
Cottonwood, AZ  86326
(928) 639-2170

Metamorphosis Spiritual Center
4041 South Turner Lane, Sierra Vista, AZ  85650
(520) 803-0493

Mystical Spiritualist Church
7162 E Barefoot Lane, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

Rev-John@MysticalSpiritualist Church.org


Rising Phoenix
Spiritualist Church

1522 W. Encanto Blvd.,
Phoenix, AZ 85007

United Fellowship Chapel
44718 E Hawthorne Street, PO Box 29097,
Tucson, AZ 85732 520-327-0142
Additional Parking in BACK
Mail: PO Box 12097 Tucson, AZ 85732
Rev. David Miller
(520) 603 0407
Rev. Angela Riechers
(520) 442 9402
Chapel Email:

United Spiritualist Church of Mankind
1231 South Van Buren Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85711



Arkansas Spiritual Center
PO Box 290, Anaheim, AR 72178
(501) 882-6040



Celebrate Life
Spiritualist Community

4530 18th Street,
San Francisco, CA 94114
(415) 613 7962

Celebration of Light Church
1185 Vicente at 23rd Avenue
in the San Francisco Humanities Building

San Francisco, CA 94116
(650) 692-2377

Center for Compassionate Living, UCM
415 Cambridge Ave. #8, Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 322-2242

Center for Creative Living, UCM
1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose, CA  95112
(408) 392-9090


Center for Infinite Growth, UCM
2473 Rebecca Lynn Way, Santa Clara, CA  95050
(408) 241-7555 or (919) 639-2393

Central Spiritualist Church, NSAC
2949-B Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821
Phone:(916) 652-4568

Chapel of Awareness Spiritual Church
560 Third Street, Encinitas, CA 92024
(760) 436-4104

Church of Spiritual Fellowship
7 Cottage Lane, Twin Pines Park, Belmont, CA 94002
(650) 368-4914


Circle of Love Spiritualist Community
Canyon View Community Center,
471 Maidu Drive, Auburn, California, 95603

First Spiritual Temple, NSAC
We meet at a residence:
Hillel House, 33 Banbury Drive,

(near SF State University),
San Francisco, CA 94132
Service 2nd & 4th 
Sunday of the month
(650) 731-4990

First Spiritualist Church
3777 42nd Street, San Diego, CA 92105

Pastor: Rev Doris Horvath
(619) 839 9618

Sunday 10.00am  Meditation and Healing Service

Sunday 11.00am  Lecture Service

Plus full itinerary

First Temple of Spiritualism, NSCA

874 Woodward Road, #33 Manteca, CA 95337
(209) 825-3940

First United Spiritualist Church
813 W. 165th. Pl. Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 323-4852

Fraternal Spiritualist Church
4720 Kensington Drive, San Diego, CA  92116
(619) 281-4557

Goddess Temple, UCM
PO Box 347, Boulder Creek, CA  95006

Golden Gate Spiritualist Church
1901 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA  94109-3414

Barbara Dullea - Secretary:
(650) 757-6653


The Golden Light of Christ Church, UCM
Alpine, CA
(619) 218-2883

Harmony Grove
Spiritualist Church

2975 Washington Circle,
Escondido, CA 92029
(760) 745-9176


ISC’s Inspirational Center
2301 28th Street, Suite 301, Signal Hill, CA 90755
(562) 997-3800

Mystical United Spiritualist Church
1212 E. Lincoln, Anaheim, CA 92805
Facebook: Mystical United Spiritualist Church
(949) 422 5891

Redwood Spiritualist Church
724 Sands Way, Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 357-0148

Reiki Center for Healing Arts, UCM
1764 Hamlet Street, San Mateo, CA 94403

St. Michael’s Redeeming Spiritualist Church
10109 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90044
(323) 779 1051

Spiritualist Center For Creation 

400 E Holt Blvd,
CA 91761

(909) 986-2050

Spiritualist Church of Revelation

200 West Colorado, Boulevard
CA 91016
(626) 256-3403


Spiritualist Church Of The Comforter 

1028 Garden St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 965-4474

Spiritualist Church of Two Worlds
1105 Bancroft Avenue,
San Leandro, California  94577
Sundays 1030am-Noon in-person
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month
Online Zoom 7pm (PST) (link on Facebook)
Mailing address:
1271 Washington Avenue,
San Leandro  CA 94577
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

The Spiritual Science of Life Church, NSAC
729 Morse Street,
 (Corner of Morse St. & Naglee), San Jose, CA  95126
(408) 6l5 0214

Temple of Light, UCM
38 Miller Avenue, #185, Mill Valley, CA  94941

The Open Door Spiritualist Fellowship 

2091 East Valley, Parkway,
 Escondido, CA 92027

(760) 746-0545

United Friendship Church
812 N. Alvarado, Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 389-9197



Chapel of Spiritual Awareness, NSA

6457 S. Xenon Street, Littleton, 
CO 80127-4822

(303) 973-9993


Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship UCM
8530 Rainbow Avenue, Thornton, CO  80229
(303) 288-0143

First Spiritual Science Church
3375 South Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80222



Albertson Memorial Church
293 Sound Beach Avenue, Box 143, Old Greenwich, 

CT 06870-0143

(203) 443 0537


The Church of the Infinite Spirit
Masonic Temple, 80 Walsh Avenue, Newington, CT  06111-2847
(860) 667-9496

First Spiritualist Church of Willimantic

268 High Street,
CT  06226-1340

(860) 423-5774

Facebook: facebook.com/firstspiritualistchurch.org/

National Spiritualist Church of Norwich
29 Park Street (Off Main Street), Norwich, CT  06360
(860) 886-8522

New London Spiritualist Church
Sleep Inn,
 5 King Arthur Drive,

 Niantic, CT 06357
Mailing address: NLSC, PO Box 15, Niantic CT 06357



Spiritualist Church of Peace & Light

43 Hatch St. Mystic
Services: 10:30 Sunday
Rev. Lynn Gaffin
Phone: 860-442-1709
Mailing Address:
70 Dell Ave. #B5 New London, CT 06320
Website: www.scpeacelight.org
Email: scpeacelight@yahoo.com


District of Columbia

The Church of Two Worlds, NSAC, Inc.

3038 Q Street, NW Georgetown,

DC 20007-3080

(202) 333-5114

Facebook: facebook.com/ChurchOfTwoWorlds



The Chapel of Spiritual Light, Inc
1737 Baltimore Drive
Orlando, FL 32810
(Kingswood Manor Clubhouse)
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 547513
Orlando FL 32854-7513
Phone: (407) 867 8448

Church of Light, UCM
10115 Cortez Rd., 
Bradenton, P.O. Box 606 Tallevast, FL 34270
(941) 795-5683

Colby Memorial Temple

Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp,

 1250 Marion Street,

Cassadaga, FL


(386) 228-3171

Sunday Services 10.30am


New Vision 
Spiritualist Center NSAC, Inc.

4332 Woodlynne Lane, Orlando, Fl 32812
Mailing Address:
New Vision Spiritualist Center NSAC, Inc.
4332 Woodlynne Lane, Orlando, Fl 32812
Phone: Reverend Ann Otzelberger (407) 826-0807
Website: newvisionspiritualist.squarespace.com
Email: newvisionspiritualist@gmail.com
Pastor: reveao@yahoo.com

Spiritual Awakening Church
& Spiritual Center

3044 Michigan Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34744
Mailing Address:
The Church of Spiritual Awakening, Inc.,
909 B. East Oak Street, Kissimmee - 34744
Phone: (407) 545-9926

Website: churchofspiritualawakening.com
Facebook: facebook.com/thechurchofspiritualawakeningkissimmee
Email: thechurchofspiritualawakening@msn.com

Spiritualist Church of Awareness, NSAC
3210 North Chickasaw Trail, Orlando, 
FL 32817 

(407) 678-3688

Website: www.spiritualistchurchofawareness.org
Facebook: The Spiritualist Church of Awareness NSAC

Spiritualist Church of Melbourne

Spiritualist Lighthouse Church
1049 Crestwood Street, Jacksonville, 
FL 32208
(904) 764-7639
Facebook: Spiritual Lighthouse Church

Temple of Love and Healing UCM
3700 40th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL  33714
(727) 522-7133
Facebook: Temple of Love and Healing




National Divine Spiritual Church
18 Jackson Street SE, Atlanta, GA 30312
Tel: 404-522-9153
Website: www.nationaldivine.org
Email: NationalDivine@Yahoo.com



Spiritualist Church

Belvidere Park in Baltic Mill (E Lincoln St. and Appleton Rd.)
(Christabelle Spiritualist Church
8002 Service Road, Cherry Valley, IL 61016
Tel: (779) 800 5450
Website: https://christabellechurch.wixsite.com
Email: christabellechurch@gmail.com
Facebook: Christabelle Spiritualist Church

The Church of the Spirit

2651 North Central Park, Avenue Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 489 5422
Email: churchofthespirit123@yahoo.com


Evangelical Spiritual Church
5130 W. 25th Street, Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 863-7190
Website: unitedspiritualcouncil.org

1st Spiritualist Church of Harmony, Unity & Truth

6146 South Ashland Avenue,

 Chicago, IL  60636

Spiritualist Church

13906 Greenbay Avenue,

 Burnham, IL 60633-1614

(219) 926-6884

Spiritualist Church of New Hope
914 W 151st St, East Chicago, IL

Spiritualist Church of Truth

6343 West Cuyler 
 (1/2 block north of Irving Park),

 Chicago, IL  60634

(708) 452-8754

Tucker Smith Washington Spiritualist Church

6146 South Ashland Avenue,
 Chicago, IL  60636

(312) 436-0366

J.T. & E.J. Crumbaugh Spiritualist Church

102 South Pearl Street, 

LeRoy, IL  61752

(309) 962-9076

Website: crumbaughchurch.com
Email: crumbaughchurch@gmail.com



Chapel in the Woods
Historic Camp Chesterfield

50 Lincoln Drive, Chesterfield, IN 46017
(765) 378-0235

Clark Memorial Church
316 Division Street, Elkhart, IN 46516
(574) 293-4036

First Spiritualist Church of Gary

2430 West 11th Avenue,

Gary, IN 46404

(219) 885-0091


First Spiritualist Church of Prayer
3511 Vine Street, South Bend, Indiana 574.675.6803
Facebook: facebook.com/firstspiritualistchurchsb/
Website: firstchurchofprayer.com
Email: FirstChurchOfPrayer@gmail.com
Tel: (574) 675-6803
Rev. Nellie Vardaman
Rev. Thomas Janssen
Rev. Phillip Falcone
Services 10:00a.m. Sunday morning

First Spiritualist Church of Terre Haute
1120  6th Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47807
(812) 232-5758

New Dawn Spirit of Light Church, NSAC

3637 West 10th Street, 

Indianapolis, IN 46222

(317) 291-0799

Progressive Spiritualist Church

2201 East 54th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46060

(317) 255-4902
Website: progressivespiritualist.org
Email: PSC-2201@outlook.com
Facebook: Progressive Spiritualist Church

Psychic Science Spiritualist Church

1415 Central Avenue,

 Indianapolis, IN 46202

(317) 634-1430
Website: psychicsciencechurch.org
Facebook: Psychic Science Spiritualist Church
Email: psychicsciencechurch@gmail.com

Sanctuary of Light Spiritualist Church 

6391 Cherry Street,

 Williamsburg, IN 47393

(765) 520 0625
Facebook: Sanctuary Of Light Spiritualist Church In WIlliamsburg

The Spiritualist Church of Indianapolis, NSAC

3020 S. Meridian St, 
Suites E & F, 
IN 46217-3221
Website: www.tscoi.org
(317) 850-3142
Facebook: TSCOI

Spiritualist Church Of New Hope

914 W. 151st Street,
 East Chicago, IN 46312

(219) 398-9397

Spiritual Science of Life Church, NSAC

314 W. Cool Spring Ave,

 Michigan City, IN  46360

Devotional, Healing and Message Service:
Sunday 10.30am

(574) 298-5080

Mailing Info:
Joy Marsh,

 4322 N 500 E , Rolling Prairie, IN 46371



First Spiritualist Church

5416 6th Avenue South,

 Clinton, IA

(319) 243-3233

New Sunflower
Spiritualist Church MVSA

Mount Pleasant Park,
Clinton, IA 52732-0075

(563) 570-2768



Spiritualist Harmony Church

1429 West Seventh Street,

Davenport, IA 52802-1212

(815) 494-5200



Sunset Spiritualist Church
103 Hanes St, Wells, KS 67467
(785) 488-3929



Baton Rouge Spiritualist Church
9111 Interline Ave, Ste 4A, Baton Rouge, LA 70816
(225) 921-6690 

Rev Steve Adams
Facebook: RevFrancisStartedThis

Saint Judes Spiritualist Church 

632 11th St 
LA 70538

(337) 828-4902

Facebook: St Judes Spiritualist Church



Augusta Spiritualist Church

113 Townsend Road, Augusta,
Maine 04330, United States
Augusta Spiritualist Church
PO BOX 2492 Augusta, ME 04330
Tel: OFFICE: (207) 622 8980
Note: If immediate assistance is needed,
use president's phone number below.
REV GRAHAM CONNOLLY (207)-655-6673
Email: augusta@mainespiritualism.org
Website: augustaspiritualistchurch.org

Clearwater Spiritualist Church
PO Box 2, Bradford, ME  04410-0002
(207) 327-9998

Harrison D. Barrett Memorial Church, 

114-118 Harlow Street,

 Bangor, ME  04401
(207) 848-2273
Facebook: HDBchurch1

Inner Light Spiritualist Church

Governor William King 
Masonic Hall,

649 US Route 1,

 Scarborough, ME 04074

Pinpoint of Light Spiritualist Center

#25 Camp Road,

(207) 597-2600


Portland Spiritualist Church

17 Dunn StreetWestbrook, ME
Sunday Services 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Email: nfo@portlandspiritualistchurch.org
Website: portlandspiritualistchurch.org
To contact the President and /or the Pastor, please call:
(207) 797-2039 – Rev. Beth Carter – Pastor
(207) 797-2039 – Mike Carter – President
(207) 831-4829 – Lance Cyr – Board Vice President

Spiritualist Church of Eternal Life

352 Crowley Road,

 Sabattus, ME 04280

(207) 376-5318


Temple Heights Spiritualist Church

Temple Heights Spiritual Camp
4 Park St, Temple Heights, Northport,
Maine 04849, United States
Phone: (207) 338 3029
Website: templeheightscamp.org



The Light Center Spiritualist Church

4505 Mountain Road,

 Pasadena, MD 21122

(410) 590-9167




Church In The Wyldewood
Shadylane Road, 
East Templeton, 
MA 01438
(978) 632-7559
Website: http://churchinthewyldewood.org
Facebook: Church In The Wyldewood
Email: wyldewoodchurch@gmail.com

Church of the Guardian Angels
of Love and Enlightenment

69 West Street, Leominster, MA 01453
(978) 534-5982

Church of Spiritual Life, NSAC

Located In the Masonic Temple
58 East Broadway next to
Derry Public Library – Derry, NH
Website: churchspirituallifenh.org

First Spiritual Temple
16 Monmouth Street, Brookline, MA 02446
Tel: (508) 292-6609
Mailing Address:
First Spiritual Temple,
56 John Ewer Rd, Sandwich MA 02563


First Spiritualist  Church of Brockton
Anawan Grange Hall, Junction of 44 & 118
(243 Winthrop Street, Route 44), Rehobeth, MA  02769
(508) 226-6580
Website: firstspiritualistchurch.com
PO Box 145, Rehoboth, Ma. 02769

First Spiritualist Church of Salem
34 Warren Street, Salem, MA  01970
(978) 745-2098
Website: 1stspiritsalem.org
Facebook: AllGoodSouls

First Spiritualist Church of Springfield, Inc
33-37 Bliss Street, Springfield, MA  01105
(413) 732-1234
(413) 238-5506 Fax

First Spiritualist Church of Quincy
40 West Street, Quincy, MA 02169
(617) 770-2246
Website: quincyspiritualists.org
Facebook: First Spiritualist Church of Quincy

The Greater Boston Church
of Spiritualism

GBCS Church Service:
19 Academy St, Arlington,
MA 02476GBCS
40-44 Spring St, Watertown, MA 02472

Website: greaterbostonchurchofspiritualism.com

Healing Hands of Light
Spiritualist Church

465 Granby Road,

 Chicopee, MA 01013
Website: healinghandsoflightspch.com

Pastor Rev. John Sullivan 413-238-5344
E-mail: sully1942@verizon.net
Secretary Denise Sullivan 413-519-9669
Email: denise.m.sullivan7@gmail.com


The National Spiritual Alliance

2 Montague Avenue,

 PO Box 88,

Lake Pleasant, MA 01347
Website: spiritualallianceusa.org
Tel: (413) 3670138
Email: contact@spiritualallianceusa.org

Plymouth Massachusetts
Spiritualist Church

6 Resnik Rd - Suite 101, Plymouth,
MA, United States
Website: plymouthspiritualistchurch.net
Email: iharding18@comcast.net



Clear Light Center, UCM
524 N. Marshall Avenue,
MI  49068

Corinthian Spiritualist Church

18O5 E. Ganson
, Jackson, 
MI 492O2

(517) 789 - 9196

Divine Wings Fellowship
Spiritualist Church

Divine Wings Fellowship
7446 Cain Rd, 49201 Jackson, Michigan
(517) 937 5289
Facebook: Divine Wings Fellowship

First Spiritual Church

906 N Chilson St, Bay City, 
MI 48706

(989) 686-6300


Facebook: First Spiritual Church

First Spiritual Temple of Royal Oak

3224 Greenfield Road

 (1/2 Blocks South of 13 Mile)

Royal Oak, 
MI  48073-6534

(248) 288-4026
Website: firstspiritualtempleofroyaloak.com
Email: firstspiritualtemple@aol.com

First Spiritualist Church of Lansing

Rev. Merlin Wagner (517) 974 3650
Email: firstspiritualist@gmail.com

First Spiritualist Temple of Detroit

2724 Goodrich, 

Ferndale, MI 48220

(248) 545-5680

Flower Memorial Spiritualist Church

430 Bellevue St, P.O. Box 63, Leslie, MI 49251
Phone: (517) 917-6792
Email: flowermemorialchurch@gmail.com
Website: flowermemorialspiritualistchurch.com

Golden Light Spiritualist Church

2110 N. Milford, Highland, Michigan 48357
Pastor Rev. Suzanne Chase
Pastoral: (248) 625-4348
Church Business/Information: (248) 820-5645
Website: goldenlightspirit.weebly.com
Facebook: facebook.com/goldenlight.spirualistchurch

The Golden Rule
Spiritualist Church

07444 Old US, 31N

MI  49720-9422 (Bayshore)
(231) 881 7916
Golden Rule Spiritualist Church Bay Shore MI

Spiritualist Church

307 West 37th Street Norfolk, VA 23508-3702
(757) 622 5070
Website: memorialspiritualistchurch.org
Email: msc.norfolk@gmail.com

Spirit of Harmony Chapel, NSAC

504 Worthington Drive, Oxford, MI 48371

(810) 814-9172

Spiritualist Church of Divine Light
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 363-9678

Spiritualist Church
of the Good Samaritan

5401 Oak Park, 
off Maybee Road,
Box 62, Clarkston, MI
(248) 682 5963
(810) 397 4430

Website: spiritualistchurchofthegoodsamaritan.org

Spiritualist Church of Truth & Light

104 - 66th
 South Haven, 
MI 49090

(616) 637 4462

Spiritualist First Church of Truth

127 Meerse SE,
 Grand Rapids, 
MI 49057

(616) 241-3387
Facebook: Spiritualist First Church of Truth

The Flint Spiritual Church
PO Box 530, 
Flint, MI 48501

Universal Temple Of Divine Power

5281 Addison St,

 Detroit, MI 48210

(313) 945-5967



First Spiritualist Church

1414 East Ninth Street, Duluth, MN

(218) 724-6554
Mailing address:
The Flint Spiritual Church,
P.O. Box 530, Flint, MI 48501
Phone: Rev. Rick Root (810) 513-5481 (cell)
Email: pastor.rick@flintspiritual.com

Third Spirit of Life Spiritualist Church

1500 First Avenue NE, 
Suite 112,

 Rochester, MN 55901

(501) 288-7239

Spiritual Science Church

411 Main Street,

 St. Paul, MN 55102

(651) 225-4609



Fifth Spiritualist Church of St. Louis

6026 South Kingshighway Boulevard,
St. Louis, 
MO 63109-3558

(314) 353-4779
Facebook: facebook.com/5CSTL

Tyler Redeeming
Christian Spiritualist Church

5161 Delmar Blvd,

Saint Louis, MO 63108

(314) 367-3022

Website: trcschurch.com



Spiritual Science
& Philosophy Church, NSAC

321 Hascall Street,

NE 68108-2121

(402) 345-0101



Spiritualist Desert Church, NSAC

West Spring Mountain Road,

Suite 51, 
Las Vegas, 
NV 89102

(Look for our logo and sign
on the window of Suite 51)
Service times: 

Sunday, 11am & 6.30pm

  Children’s Lyceum as announced

Thursday 6.30pm 
Healing & Meditation Service with Development Circle following.

(702) 876-8783 (Leave a message)
Website: spiritualistdesertchurchlv.org


Spiritualist High Desert Church of Reno
Larry D. Johnson Community Center, 1200 12th Street, 
Sparks, NV 89431

Every Sunday 11am - 12.30pm

(775) 323-1114

Mailing Info:

PO Box 13111, 
Reno, NV 89507


New Hampshire

Cycles of Spirit

Our celebrations of Spiritual life are held at:
Keene Unitarian Universalist Church,
69 Washington Street (and corner of Taylor Street),
Keene, NH 03431
Do not write to the above address to contac.
You may write to us at:
Cycles of Spirit, PO Box 22, Gilsum, NH 03448


The Church of 
Spiritual Life, Inc
Masonic Hall,

 109 Main Street,
Salem, NH  03079

(978) 454-4163



New Jersey

Church of Eternal Life, NSAC

243 West Olive St,

 Westville, NJ

(856) 456-2196


Gifts of the Spirit Church

25 Grand Ave,
NJ 07601

(843) 571-2334
Email: info@gotsc.org

The Journey Within
Spiritualists’ National Union Church
25 Carr Street, Pompton Lakes, 
NJ 07442
(973) 616-9685
Email: info@journeywithin.org

Spiritual Life Fellowship, Inc.
Sapphire Holistic Center,
316 Main Street, Bradley Beach, NJ



New York

Angel Heart Chapel
513 W Union Street, Newark, NY  14513
(315) 331-2009

Center for Spiritual Awareness
Center for Spiritual Awareness Services:
Pulaski Historical Society, Carriage House Building,
3428 Maple Ave, Pulaski, New York 13142
Kripalu Yoga Center, 14029 Rte 11, Adams Center, NY
Mailing Address:
Rev. Denise D. Knott, 30 Delano Street,
Apt. I-44, Pulaski, New York 13142
Website: centerforspiritualawarenesschurch.com
Email: deniseknott33@gmail.com
Phone: 315 298 3734

Church of the Living Spirit
Lakeside Assembly Hall, Lily Dale, NY 14752
Mailing Address:
Church of the Living Spirit, P.O. Box 224, Lily Dale, NY 14752
Website: livingspiritlilydale.org
Email: COLS@netsync.net
Tel: 580-695-80404

City of Light Spiritualist Church

PO BOX 1057
10 Buffalo Street
Lily Dale NY 14752 USA
email colsc@stny.rr.com
Website: www.cityoflightspiritualistchurch.com
Facebook: City of Light Spiritualist Church
Pastor- Rev. Joanne Copley-Nigro

First Spiritualist Temple

29 Temple Place,
 East Aurora, 
NY  14052-2523

(716) 652-5018
Website: firstspiritualisttemple.com
Facebook: First Spiritualist Temple of East Aurora NY
Email addresses:

Lily Dale Assembly

(716) 595-8721
Email: info@lilydaleassembly.org
Website: lilydaleassembly.com
Mailing address:

5 Melrose Park, PO Box 248,

Lily Dale, NY 14752

Lily Dale Spiritualist Church

East Street, P.O. Box 1128,
Lily Dale, NY  14752

General Assembly of Spiritualists
27 Appleton St, Rochester, NY 14611
(585) 464-9419
Website: generalassemblyofspiritualists.com

Memorial Chapel, UCM
178 Chapin Street, Binghamton, NY  13905
(607) 722-5569

New Horizons Spiritualist Church, NSAC

Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel,
1585 Round Swamp Rd, Plainview, NY
(631) 669-3226

Plymouth Spiritualist Church

29 Vic Park A,
NY 14607

(585) 271-1470 
or (585) 234-2362
Facebook: Plymouth Spiritualist Church
Email addresses:
President: Nancy Sanderson
Vice President: TBA
Secretary: TBA
Treasurer: TBA
Pastoral: William Boldt & Sue Davenport
Trustee: TBA
Office phone: (585) 271 1470

A Sanctuary of Infinite Spirit, Inc. NSAC

10 Ackerly Lane, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Sunday Healing  6.05 - 6.20pm
 Service  6.30 - 7.30pm
Monday Unfoldment/Mediumship Development 
6.30 - 8.30pm 

Thursday Natural Law 
11am - 1pm
(631) 588-5869


Spark of Divinity Congregation
236 East Main Street, Palmyra, NY 14522
Website: pastorjef0.wixsite.com/spark-of-divinity

Summerland Church of Light, NSAC
120 Plant Ave (corner of Oser Ave), Hauppauge, NY 11788
Sunday Service
Silent Meditation 10.00am
Service begins 10.15am
Message Circles conducted on the
second Sunday of the month, 
after service

Tel: Licentiate Minister Frank Kotowski - (631) 316-1588
Website: summerlandchurchoflight.org
Email: summerlandchurchoflight@gmail.com

Spiritualist Church of New York City

Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew,
263 W 86th St, New York, New York 10024
Email: NYCSpiritualistChurch@gmail.com

The Church of Divine Inspiration
27 Appleton Street,Rochester, 
NY 14611
(585) 328.8908

Temple of Metaphysical Science, NSAC

Services held at:
American Legion Hall,
Corner of Baker St. & South Ocean Avenue,
Patchogue, NY 11772
Mailing address:
PO Box 453 Patchogue, NY 11772
Tel: 1-800-316-1231

Website: tmsli.org
Email: tms@tmsli.org


North Carolina

Universal Sanctuary, UCM
302 Loafer Drive, Burnsville, NC  28714
(828) 678-3438



The Church of the Angels
12550 Chillicothe Rd,
Chesterland, OH 44026
(440) 384-8968

Church of Universal Spirit
Mentor, OH  44069
(440) 255-1169

Circle of Love and Light
4016 Cedar Hills Avenue, Springfield, OH
(937) 323-2923

First Spiritualist Church

4230 Main Ave, Ashtabula, 
OH 44004-6851

(440) 293-7056


First Spiritualist Church of Linden

6 Wooley Park,

Ashley, OH  43003

(740) 747-2212

First Spiritualist Church

636 Western Ave,

 Toledo, OH 43609

(419) 246-5389

First Spiritualist Church
of Linden-Ossa

1751 Aberdeen Ave,

OH 43211

(614) 263-1631

First Spiritualist Temple

77 S 5th St,
OH 43215

(614) 228-1112

Guiding Light Spiritualist Church 

3195 Morse Rd,
OH 43231

(614) 476-4281

Goodwill Spiritualist Church
300 East Breckman,Walbridge, OH  43456
(419) 833-5503

International General
Assembly of Spiritualists

5403 S Ridge Rd W,

Ashtabula, OH 44004

(440) 969-1724

Rays of Light Spiritualist Church
Tel: (614) 832-5358
Email: Rev.SiobhanWolf@RaysofLightChurch.com

Spirit of Love Church
2620 Old Clifton Rd, Springfield, OH 45505
(937) 325-7381

Spiritualist Church of Revelation 

1081 E Weber Rd,

OH 43211

(614) 267-6508

Spiritualist Church
of Spirit Revelation

PO Box 253,

 Ashley, OH 43003-0253

(740) 747-2688


Sunflower Chapel NSAC,
Spiritual Life Center

Watervliet Avenue,

OH 45420-2544

(937) 252-3299

The Church of the Guiding Light

3187 Morse Rd, Columbus, 
OH 43231

(614) 890-5326

Trinity Spiritualist Church

1612 W Sylvania Ave,
OH 43612

(419) 478-1250

Truth Tabernacle

1493 Indianola Ave,
OH 43201

(614) 291-8466

United Spiritualists
of the Christ Light

11006 Reading Rd,
Cincinnati, OH 45241
(513) 891-5424



Central Spiritualist Church

2348 NW 36th Street,

 Oklahoma City, OK  73112

(405) 732-7975




Alice Street Spiritualist Church
3446 SW Alice Street, Portland, OR 97219
(503) 246 7300

New Era Christian
Spiritualists Church

10244 S New Era Rd, Canby, OR 97013
(503) 263-7252
Website: neweraspiritual.com
Facebook: New Era Christian Spiritualist Church

Spirit Guided Friends
Christian Spiritualist

5729 SE Boise St, Portland, OR 97206
(503) 771-8986



Celestial Spiritualist Church

421 N Preston Street,

 Philadelphia, PA 19104

Sunday Service  2.00pm

  Healing, Lecture, Messages

Wednesday Service  7.30pm 

Website: celestialspiritualistchurch.wordpress.com
Email: celestialschurch@gmail.com


The Chapel of Oneness
345 Regis Avenue, West Mifflin, PA
(412) 770-4961

Christian  Spiritualist Church
461 E 6th St, Erie, PA 16507
(814) 459-3795

Church of 
Harmonial Fellowship
The Church of Harmonial Fellowship,
P.O. Box 151, Meadville, PA 16335
Services at 10:00 am Sundays are held at:
The ARC of Crawford County building,
222 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PAE
mail: jalw@velocity.net

First Spiritualist Church of Erie
11193 Sharp Rd, Waterford, PA 16441
Tel: (814) 731-9139
Website: fscoferie.weebly.com
Facebook: first spiritualist church

Getter Memorial Church, NSAC
1123 Oak Street, 
PA 18102
(610) 770-7560

The Spiritual Path Church
2041 Moravia St, 
Ext New Castle, PA 16101
(724) 698-7564
Facebook: Spiritual Path Spiritualist Church


Rhode Island

First Spiritualist Church
of Rhode Island

83 S Rose St, East Providence, RI 02914





Circle Of Angels Spiritualist Church
8111 Mainland Drive, Suite 104-192,
San Antonio TX 78240-3748
Email: coaschurch@gmail.com
Website: sanantoniospiritualists.com

First Spiritualist Church of Houston, NSAC
2115 Turner Street, 

TX  77064

(713) 695-2550
Website: firstspiritualistchurchofhouston.org
Facebook: First Spiritualist

First Spiritualist Church of Austin

4200 Avenue ‘D’,

TX  78751-3719

(512) 458-3987facebook.com/FirstSpiritualist
Email: spiritchurch@hotmail.com

Gateway to the Heart, UCM
113 Summit Street, 
Dripping Springs, 
TX  78620
(512) 894-0401

Spiritual Temple C.O.G.I.C.

Flowing Wls,

Goodrich, TX 77335

(936) 365-2357

Texas Spiritual Reader Church
El Paso, TX 79902

(915) 544-0200



Vision of Light Church
of Spiritualism & Healing

American Legion Hall,
10 Legion Drive,
05048 Hartland, Vermont
Tel: (802)299-5083
Facebook: VOL Church




Arlington Metaphysical Chapel

5618 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, 
VA 22205-1300

(703) 276-8738

 Email: info@arlingtonmeta.org
Website: arlingtonmeta.org
Facebook: ArlingtonChapel

The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, NSAC

222 North Washington Street, Falls Church, VA  22046

(703) 645-8060

 Email: TheCSE@theCSE.org
Website: www.thecse.org
Facebook: Arlington Chapel

The Memorial
Spiritualist Church, NSAC

307 West 37th Street,

VA 23508-3207

(757) 622-5070
Email: msc.norfolk@gmail.com
Facebook: Memorial Spiritualist Church



Camp Edgewood NSAC Milton WA
1228 26th Avenue Court, Milton, WA 98354
Fall and Winter Church Season Sunday services
for Church of Spiritual Truth are held in the center at 11am
Sunday services for Church of Spiritual Unity
along with Church of Divine Grace
are held in the little white church building at 2pm
social hour following
All are welcome
Tel: (253) 927-2050
Email: staffcampedgewoodeaglesnest@gmail.com
Website: campedgewoodnsacmiltonwa.com

Church of Divine Grace, NSAC 

Mailing Info:

Pres. Bernie Allers, 
11113 SE 323rd St,

WA 98092

(253) 833-4850

Church of Spiritual Truth, NSAC
1228 26th Avenue Court, Milton, WA 98354

Tower Memorial Spiritualist Church

2116 West Dravus St,

 Seattle, WA 98199
(206) 282-7220
Website: towermemorialchurch.org
facebook: Tower Spiritualist Church
Email: towerofempowerment@gmail.com



West Virginia

Church of Joyous Living, NSAC

128 Burnlea Rd, 
Charles Town, 
WV 25414

(304) 725-3763 office

(240) 447-8912 DC area cell

First Spiritualist Church
of Wheeling

Way Memorial Temple,
104 N. Broadway,

Wheeling Island, WV 26003
Tel: (304) 233-5065
The Way Memorial Temple




First Spiritualist Church
of West Allis

6228 West Washington Street,

West Allis, WI  53214

Tel: (414) 436-5121
Facebook: spirit4youandme
First Spiritualist Church of West Allis FSCWA
Email: fscwa@hotmail.com

Summerland’s Lakeview
Spiritualist Church

2932 Waubesa Avenue,

Madison, WI 53711

(608) 354-2694
Website: slscmadison.org
Facebook: summerlandslsc
Email: revannettehaak@slscmadison.org


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The Spiritualist Society of Athens "The Divine Light" – en.divinelight.org.gr

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