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A SCOTTISH medium provided vital help in locating a missing collie cross which was lost in a forest more than 500 miles away in Ireland.
MELANIE MELVIN gave specific clues, which resulted in dog’s recovery. (Photo: Facebook)) |
Melanie Melvin of Aberdeen told Psychic News how she connected with Patch and “saw” the location through the dog’s own eyes. Setting off for a holiday in the sun, Denis O’Shea from Ballycasheen in Killarney left his beloved pet with a carer in Scartaglin, County Kerry.
He arrived at Kerry Airport only to receive the devastating news that six-year-old Patch had run off. Denis and his friend Andrew Joy immediately turned around and went back to join the search.
A public appeal was put out and Denis’ sister Kathy posted a plea for help on Facebook. Melanie, who is a friend of hers, saw the news and immediately knew she could help.
The medium told PN “When I read the message I connected with Patch; I felt a warmth. I’ve never been to Ireland, so I said ‘Show me where you are. What can you see’
“Patch showed me a dirt road in a forest. She let me know that in her panic she had gone to a river for a drink. The fear she felt was incredible.”
Melanie asked the terrified dog for a landmark she could tell people. Patch guided her to look for a church to the west.
Next, “Patch showed me through her own eyes an open space. The river looked like an S backwards. On the ground were the remnants of standing stones and some flat stones.”
Melanie’s spirit guide then explained to her that the flat stones were ancient burial markers.
The region was remote. Volunteers on quad bikes set off in the darkness to search where Melanie suggested.
The medium “sent Kathy a voice message with all the details. She replied with a photo of the local forest and I was able to mark the area I had seen.”
The region was remote. Volunteers on quad bikes set off in the darkness to search where Melanie suggested. The ancient stones were part of an area described as a “fairy fort” and close to a church and river.
At first, Patch remained hidden, but when Denis squeaked her favourite ball, she came running.
“When I woke up at four in the morning, I had a message to say they’d found her,” said Melanie. “I was in tears as much as they were.
“The area was so vast, they would never have found her. In fact, I had been thinking of giving up this work, but this was a definite sign that I should keep going. It has given me the boost to go forward.”
Melanie told PN she has always spoken to spirit beings and dreams about events which come true, but as a child soon learned to keep quiet.
At school, she once told a teacher that the woman’s “dead” grandmother was near her. Melanie was taken to the head teacher and given a stern telling off, even though she was right – the teacher had just come back from the funeral.
After Melanie got married and became mum of two sons, she began to develop her psychic abilities, giving people spirit messages and offering informal sittings.
Once the boys grew up and moved out, she joined a company which provided psychic services.
“My partner encouraged me to start my own business called Indigo Blue in 2013,” said Melanie. “I now offer one-to-one readings online internationally and undertake platform work at charity nights.”
Her spirit guides have changed over the years. She now connects with a Duncan from the 1970s, “who helps me to write channelled poetry.
“Then there’s Edward, an aristocratic gentleman with a massive bull-handle moustache. He’s German and helps me with house healing.”
MEDIUM MELANIE MELVIN connected with a lost collie called Patch and “saw” her whereabouts through the dog’s eyes. (Photo: Facebook) |
Carly, a black girl aged about twelve, assists Melanie’s stage work, but her main guide is a seven-foot-tall Aztec male whose name is unknown.
Melanie said her psychic ability came down her mother’s side of the family, and that her great-grandmother often helps her work from the Higher Life.
Melanie’s Facebook is IndigoBlue Intuitive Medium. On Instagram it’s @indigoblueintuitivemedium.